Boom it's on


Dennis Brown – Money In My Pocket

Dennis Brown – Hold On To What You Got

Dennis Brown – Rocking Time

Mungo's Hi-Fi – Divorce A L'Italienne - Feat. Marina P

Richie Spice – Who Dat

General Knas – Rytmen Drabbar Kroppen



I drove in with a fully seated car & at the concert we meet up with 2 more friends.
We saw Loreen & B.o.B play before we decided it was time for alcohol.


Port of Aqaba - Jordan. Last stop before Suez.

I'm now back home in Sweden & the blog is about to change a bit.
Since I don't know how much time I'll be having further on there won't be any constantly updates.
Though I'll try to post whenever I get the opportunity & I wish that y'll new readers will continue to enjoy the content.

Chiropractor, strawberries, burgers & sunny skies.

Shopping, coffee, tapas, drums - pleasant visit in Göteborg.

Wouldn't It

Wouldn't It Be Nice (Chépuky ft. Toxic Avenger Remix)


In The Water


Arabian Sea - Check
Gulf of Aden - Check
The Red Sea - Ungoing
Gulf of Aqaba - Route
Gulf of Suez - Route

I'm not writing anything that could suggest that we got attacked by somalian pirates yesterday.
At 2000 we sent ashore three of our guards & they brought all weapons & ammunition with them.
The fuzz is over.
By midnight everything is set to origins & the pool is already filled up.
Now the course is set for Jordan & then we will proceed up to the Suez Canal.

Your informant isn't in his shoes but we'll see about that as time goes on.
Now something completely different.


Sa Kabutihang-palad

Once upon a time there was a welder.

Someone is gonna miss me...


Still piracy water, still heavy seas, still morose mind deluxe, still no energy.
But still, there's only one week left.. Then hotel in Cairo & a golden ticket to Västkusten.

Sri Lanka

Tomorrow at dawn we will pick up some armed guards outside Sri Lanka
before entering the high risk piracy area.
During the last days we have prepared the vessel with firecanons alongside & installed a IR-Heat camera.
Earlier we covered up all the windows & had a long breifing about the security procedures ect.

By the 10'th we'll join a convoy guarded by a special piracy fleet.
Though we feel kind of safe due to the strong monsoons,
it's so strong winds & high waves here in the Indian Ocean this time a year
that not even the most bad-ass pirates would sail out unaffected.


Service technicians working on our main engine in Masan, Korea

And the sludge bunkering boat, handy straw hat man

Earlier today we sailed past Singapore,
highest living standard in Asia.
It's also the second most densely populated independent country in the world
after Monaco)

Alot of marine traffic dot dot dot

Friday night is here and I will mentally escape to outer space by lifting weights,
I'm from another planet

Katos he said

The Malaysian network MY MAXIS made it possible, cheers

Inspiration video from last Saturday.
Decent, though not arbitrarily near

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